Our Party

The Vernon County Democrats advocate for progressive change in Missouri, working with elected officials to voice our concerns, opinions, and goals.

The family farm is a keystone in Missouri and should be preserved through fair agricultural policies and enviromental protections from large corporations.

We should work to keep our communities safe and have a criminal justice system that focuses on rehabilitation, is fair and works to decrease the number of people incarcerated.

Missouri's natural resources, national parks and state parks should be protected and maintained. We must take responsibility for the land we love.

There should be equal treatment under the law for every Missourian regardless of race, color, age, physical, intellectual, and/or developmental abilities, economic status, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity.

It is every Missourian's right to exercise their constitutional right to vote without undue burdens. Laws and regulations that impede voting access must be eliminated. Safe and fair elections protect democracy.

Missouri needs a skilled labor force. To do this, we must have strong labor unions that will teach, defend and sustain workers for our economy.

Healthcare is a fundamental right and not a privilege. Missouri Medicaid expansion of 2020 should continue to be funded and easy to access.

Every child should have access to free and quality public education regardless of zipcode and deserve stable access to internet.